Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching — A Partnership Between the Annenberg Foundation and the Pennsylvania Department of Education
Instructional Coaching and Teacher Evaluation PDF Print E-mail

By RMC Tom Sebastian

Although the PIIC Instructional Coaching Model is a non-evaluative vehicle for providing differentiated professional learning, it has the potential to positively impact teacher performance as measured by most teacher evaluation systems.  In Pennsylvania, where the teacher evaluation process is based on Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching, the four components/quadrants of the PIIC Model of Instructional Coaching, combined with its use of the B-D-A process, provide a structure for professional learning that effectively addresses the four domains of teaching responsibility as defined by the Danielson.

When PIIC coaches meet with teachers and engage in professional dialogue, the focus of their discussions is directly connected to the components of professional practice within the framework of the four domains.  Evidence of this is found in the questions asked by instructional coaches.  Typical questions asked include:

  1. Can you tell me about the students in your class in terms of their interests and prior knowledge?
  2. What are your goals for the lesson and how they will be communicated to the students?
  3. What resources do you plan to use and how do you plan to use them?
  4. What strategies do you plan to use that will facilitate meaningful student engagement?
  5. How will student learning be assessed?
  6. If students are to work in groups, how will these groups be organized and how will individual students be held accountable for their work?
  7. What questions do you want all of your students to be able to answer?
  8. What types of formative assessment will you be using in this lesson?
  9. What aspects of your lesson do you feel were most effective?

The questions asked by the coach act as a catalyst for deeper thought and reflection.  The answers provided by the teacher stimulate additional discussion that contributes to a shared understanding and an appreciation of a professional partnership between the coach and the coachee.  The context of this dialogue connects the four domains to the day-to-day delivery of instruction in a way that’s meaningful and productive.  The PIIC Instructional Coaching Model acts as a conduit through which the components of Danielson’s Framework for Teaching can be addressed.

Schools that provide instructional coaching support using the PIIC Model are demonstrating their commitment to enhancing professional practice and teacher effectiveness.


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